2018 Harvest
We experienced our biggest ever harvest this year picking over 50 tons of the classic champagne varietals-Chardonnay Pinot Noir & Pinot Blanc, and over 25 tons of our Riesling style-Bacchus, Reichensteiner & Huxelrebe.
Harvest started a whole month earlier than usual on 17th September and finished on October 17th . This gave us ideal warm, dry Autumn conditions for picking.
We want to say a big thank you to our willing local team of pickers – we hope to see you again next year.
Nutbourne now has over 60,000 litres of wine in our winery, ready to be bottled in the coming weeks. The first of these will be ready by May but others, such as our new Nutty Blanc de Blanc Vintage, will not be released until 2022.